Thursday 27 March 2014

Class Exercise (Yahoo)

Cool session with the Yahoo guy, inspired a few new ways of representing data. Data set was also interesting. Class exercise was well received and constructive feedback were given by him. I think for him, choosing the interesting and relevant question is very important, he never failed to re-emphasize each groups' focus and what information they could have obtained if they were to conduct a visualization project. Pretty slick. Each group came up with different ideas, like activities on weekends, colours, food etc. The good thing about the class exercise was that we were given an imaginative data set to work with. With no boundaries, students can ask anything and have everything to work with. Perhaps, my takeaway is that if there isn't sufficient data and openness for data visualization, creative works and discoveries won't be made. Since a visualization should tell a story, it is only necessary for the story to have content.

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