Friday 27 September 2013

A2 Critique session

One of the main critique that I got from the session was that the issue I wanted to address, I wasn't able to fully answer it properly. Singaporean's unhappiness can come from anywhere and it is subjective thus it is very complicated. I thought very hard, and tried very hard to figure out what exactly does it mean to be happy for me, and for other Singaporeans, but I realized it is quite extreme to portray it in a short comic.

Ms Chiang suggested that I show a broader sense of knowledge by drawing how Singaporeans want more and more and is never satisfied, and how, even when they reached the paramount of "success", what is next? The issue of being happy touches on too many difficult issues which I myself, isn't clear of what it means to be happy. I originally thought happiness is to be able to find someone we care for but it isn't so simple. There is so many factors and life is so difficult, finding our true love is not necessarily going to make us happy. That perhaps, explain the high divorce rate. Perhaps the comic will be more suited if the main character was an old grandpa, who lived most of his life, went through thick and thin with his spouse, I think that would make a more convincing comic. However, one of the main takeaway from the critique session which I felt was most important is, I am not suited to draw such deep topics. I guess I lost myself while trying to impress people with my "knowledge".  My field isn't at drawing such deep comics (inspired by Some people), I guess I should stick with slapstick humor, which I'm more comfortable with.

Thus I started to redraw the entire comic.

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