Friday 27 September 2013


A proper breakdown of my comic: 

Title: I prefer looking at things from the other perspective. Especially when life gives you shit, you just got to see how great that piece of shit is. That is the reason why I drew this comic. I named this comics, Looking at the bright side of Singapore. That is to say I admit, yes, we have all the problems, but there is definitely something good about these problems that we have failed to see.

So loving it: Addressing the issue of flash floods. Irony injected through phrases like, "floods rock" "no wonder the government does nothing to fix it" "hope it floods everyday". It is simple to understand because, we don't want it to flood every single day, in fact, don't flood at all please. But I guess it is an unique experience for people who haven't seen a flood before, cause you kind of can do a lot of fun stuffs. For example surfboarding (exaggerated), but you can actually swim or splash water at friends or even fold paper boats and let it float on the water. I guess Singaporean kids nowadays have lost their childhood and care more about their ipads and phones etc. Oh, and probably because of all these devices, we can't even surprise a person by pouring water at him. (yeah, because the phone will get wet and spoil)

Benefits for everybody: Addressing the issues of fog. Slapstick humor with a bit of sexual and idiocy in the comic.  Modified the characters in 1,3 & 4 panel with masks. They actually think they can hide themselves in the fog and enter the female toilet without being able to see yet be able to see naked girls. That is dumb hahahaha. Why I named it benefits for everybody: because isn't it great to be able to hide your presence?

The hotter, the better: Addressing singaporeans always complain about the hot weather. Slapstick humor with a bit of sexuality and idiocy. Girls are challenging the limits everyday, wearing shorter and shorter skirts or shorts as each day passes. I am no moral police but sometimes, isn't it better to not expose so much skin. I drew this to raise awareness that "GIRLS, GUYS ARE WATCHING WHAT YOU WEAR.", unless you really want to show, then so be it. One can look hot without exposing. 

Heart-warming Singapore: Addressing overpopulation and foreign "imports", Irony injected in "Heart-Warming" and cosier place. The word play was intended, with more people, we will feel more warmth (body warmth since we are living in such close proximity). 

End: I did want to address the issue of happiness in Singapore, like my failed comic attempt at the critique session. Why did I say its complicated? Because you can see, there is no clear cut answer to that question. Life isn't as simple as - you give me an apple and I'm happy. Instead it goes like - you give me an apple but stole my pear and grapes, so am I happy? It is complicated. But the answer is within how one sees the world. The blue character suffers from a dilemma because on one hand, living in Singapore has its perks and on the other, it has its woes. SO i named my comic, looking on the bright side of Singapore. 

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